Follow Your Passions

Follow Your Passions

Are you giving up on your passions if you decide to go the job route? Are you “more” of a true artists if you decide not to get a regular job? Does being a “true” artist require that you live off of your talents alone? What does it mean to follow your passions?

Adult Coloring Books

Adult Coloring Books

Adult Coloring Books Real Benefit or Marketing Genius? Adult coloring books…really?? And, no…there is nothing X-rated about the ones I’m talking about. These are simply coloring books for grown-ups. The folks who sell adult coloring books are claiming that they’re great stress reducers. An alternative form of art therapy, if you will. Non-believers are standing […]

Overcome Creative Block – 6 Tips To Beat It

Overcome Creative Block – 6 Tips To Beat It

How do artists and writers overcome creative block?  Is it even real? Yes, absolutely! Without a doubt. I’m willing to bet that creative types the world over have experienced this ultimate form of frustration and aggravation. Artists, choreographers, musicians, sculptors, writers…heck, maybe even scrapbookers! There are days when my muse seems to be on an […]