Christmas is Coming

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is Coming! Order Your Xmas Gift Commissions Now Christmas is coming! Yes, I know it’s months away. But you know what happened last year when you waited until the last minute… So I’ll say it again…Christmas is coming! Why not get a jump on things now? What says ‘thoughtful gift’ more than a specially […]



Photorealism It’s What I Do Photorealism, or hyperrealism is kind of my thing when it comes to my animal portraits. Different people have different definitions for both photorealism and hyperrealism. Some people say they’re closely tied to each other, but not the same thing exactly. Other people use the terms interchangeably. Some definitions say that […]

Art for Art’s Sake

Art for Art’s Sake

Art for Art’s Sake Yes, this Topic Gets Under My Skin! “‘Art for art’s sake ’ is the usual English rendering of a French slogan from the early 19th century, “l’art pour l’art“, and expresses a philosophy that the intrinsic value of art, and the only “true” art, is divorced from any didactic, moral, or […]

What Inspires Me

What Inspires Me

What Inspires Me? To Muse or not to Muse… What inspires me? Where do I find inspiration? I get questions like this from time to time about inspiration. I suppose that those not creatively inclined find it interesting. It’s something that’s incredibly unique to every artist, musician, dancer, actor, etc. Some call that inspiration a […]

Meeting Deadlines

Meeting Deadlines

Meeting Deadlines Whether you’re an artist for Disney or a freelance artist, you undoubtedly have deadlines. Meeting deadlines can get tricky if you take on too much. I’m sure missing deadlines for Disney, Warner or Pixar has its consequences. Missing deadlines as a freelance artist could easily cost you a good client. So what is […]

Art History – Modern Art

Art History – Modern Art

Art History: Modern Art The section of art history which encompasses modern art, spans from 1860-1970. It includes movements such as Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Futurism, Abstraction, and Pop art. Modern art was really (at least in my mind) all about breaking the rules, breaking away from traditions of the past in favor for […]

Art History – Middle Ages

Art History – Middle Ages

Art History: Middle Ages For the next two periods of art history, the art of the Middle Ages and Modern, my interest ebbs and flows with the subject matter. The art of the Middle Ages, or Medieval art, encompasses a large chunk of time. It begins just after the fall of the Roman Empire in […]