Art History – Modern Art

Art History – Modern Art

Art History: Modern Art The section of art history which encompasses modern art, spans from 1860-1970. It includes movements such as Impressionism, Expressionism, Cubism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Futurism, Abstraction, and Pop art. Modern art was really (at least in my mind) all about breaking the rules, breaking away from traditions of the past in favor for […]

Art History – Middle Ages

Art History – Middle Ages

Art History: Middle Ages For the next two periods of art history, the art of the Middle Ages and Modern, my interest ebbs and flows with the subject matter. The art of the Middle Ages, or Medieval art, encompasses a large chunk of time. It begins just after the fall of the Roman Empire in […]

Art History – Ancient Art

Art History – Ancient Art

Art History – Ancient Art Every Art major has to take three semesters of Art History as part of their curriculum. They consist of Ancient Art (prehistoric-early Medieval), Medieval Art (Medieval-16th century), and Modern Art (16th century-contemporary). Of the three, Ancient Art was and still is my absolute favorite. It’s no surprise really. One of […]