Artwork on Social Media

Putting Your Artwork on Social Media Putting your artwork on social media can be absolutely terrifying for some artists. Let’s face it, people suck. Not all. But the few whose goal is to just scroll through social media searching for places where they can leave their particular brand of hate and nastiness are sometimes enough […]

Haters Are Going to Hate

Haters Are Going to Hate Yes, haters are going to hate. There’s no getting around it and there’s no making haters see reason. This alone has prevented countless artists from posting their work online. It’s understandable but sad. A 2019 article in USA Today stated that cyber-bullying has risen from 11.5% in 2015 to 15.3% […]

Dealing with Haters

Dealing with Haters How to Rise Above Now, more than ever before, dealing with haters is becoming the norm rather than the surprising, unexpected circumstance. Today’s world seems to have a surplus of trolls, haters, and harsh criticism. Everywhere you turn, someone is there to judge and criticize for no reason other than to just […]