Haters Are Going to Hate

Haters Are Going to Hate

Yes, haters are going to hate. There’s no getting around it and there’s no making haters see reason. This alone has prevented countless artists from posting their work online. It’s understandable but sad. A 2019 article in USA Today stated that cyber-bullying has risen from 11.5% in 2015 to 15.3% in 2017. Those are just reported cases.


haters are going to hate woman giving two thumbs down

(Photo Credit: 123RF.com Image ID: 47013353 Copyright: STUDIO GRAND WEB)


Unfortunately, that’s today’s culture and it doesn’t look like it will ever slow down. The internet makes it much easier to spread hate all from behind the safety of a computer screen. Does that mean you have to stand there and take it?

Absolutely not.

Haters are going to hate, so let them. You can’t stop them. Don’t even try. In fact, that is my number one rule. DO NOT ENGAGE. The more you do, the more you feed into their game. That’s exactly what they want you to do. Their primary objective is to get a response from you.

All haters come from a place of small-minded ignorance.

When it comes to your artwork or anyone else’s, they don’t have the slightest clue. If you asked them why they don’t like your work, they won’t be able to elaborate past a fifth-grade level ‘it just sucks’ type comment. That’s why I encourage you to not even give them the time of day. Nothing comes from ignorance. Would you pay attention to the guy with no teeth who’s trying to give you advice on dental hygiene?


young woman plugging her ears

Haters are going to hate. You don’t have to listen. (Photo Credit: 123RF.com Image ID: 16865552 Copyright: fuzzbone)


A person educated in art will be able to constructively critique your work. In other words, their constructive criticism is just that…constructive. It comes from a place of experience and of wanting to help you improve rather than wanting to shoot you down.

Posting your work is nerve wracking but it’s also liberating.

I think you’ll find that you have a greater positive response than negative. AND I’ve been noticing lately that the positive people out there will turn on the haters and chase them out faster than you can blink. That’s always fun to watch. I mean, who doesn’t like having a cheering squad on your side jumping to your defense?

If you’re really nervous about the type of response you’re going to get, you can always preface your post by saying you’re new at whatever type of artwork you’re posting, and you would appreciate any pointers. I’ve seen people say in their post that they’re new and they know they currently suck (beating the haters to the punch), but would still love it if anyone could offer advice. The overwhelming response is positive with many good pointers for you to follow. Admitting your faults up front takes all the steam away from whatever the lurking hater has to say. Asking for pointers eliminates them from the equation because they haven’t the slightest clue. They’re not artists. If they were, they’d be able to elaborate.

The only time I break my rule…

I rarely engage with haters because who really has the time for that nonsense? But when I do, I turn the situation around on them by making them face their own stupidity. IF a hater shows up anywhere on my feed, I’ll pretend like I’m seriously seeking their advice by asking for their pointers on the issue. I’ll use art terms (which I know they won’t understand) or I reference specific artists or works of art (which I know they’re unfamiliar with). And wouldn’t you know? Whenever I do this, the hater ghosts. Poof! Gone. They simply cannot handle being made to face their own idiocy, much less in front of other more experienced people on the thread. One thing is certain, after an episode like that, the hater won’t be back.

Code of conduct…

One thing about educated or well-established artists is that unlike haters, they won’t offer advice until you ask. That’s the polite thing to do. Nobody wants unsolicited advice. Once you ask, they’ll tell you. But you have to ask. Don’t be shy. I have never seen a real artist be rude or nasty in their comments.

When all is said and done, who would you rather listen to and put more stock in…the ignorant hater or the experienced artists out there? Ignore the haters. Use the block features. Under no circumstances should you stoop to their level.

Yes, haters are going to hate, so let them. They can stew in their misery all by themselves while the rest of us grown folks get some real work done.



Further Reading:

Constructive Criticism vs BS




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