Change of Scenery

Change of Scenery

A Little Could Go a Long Way

open window with Mountain View

Sometimes a change of scenery can act like a breath of fresh air for you artwork. (Photo Credit: Unknown)

Sometimes a change of scenery is what your art needs. If you’re anything like me, you tend to be a creature of habit. I sit in one of the same two places each and every time that I work on my art…at my art table down in our bonus room or in my bedroom. But sometimes, those same four walls can make your work become stale or even make you lose motivation. When that happens, what are your options?

change of scenery

The first home option for a change of scenery is the patio. (Photo Credit: Myra Naito)

My #1 spot

Depending on your artwork, and assuming you aren’t working on enormous canvases, take your show on the road! For me, I start at home. There’s a really awesome patio that I sometimes use. It’s outdoors (obviously), it’s covered, there’s lot of trees, and a nice big table that I can spread my work out on. And sometimes, the deer pass by.

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Starbucks is always a nice change, if I can find a table. (Photo Credit: Copyright: Igor Stevanovic)

My #2 spot

Another place that I will frequent when my work needs a change of scenery is the neighborhood Starbucks. This can be a little bit trickier. Sometimes it can be a little too crowded and I can’t find an empty table. In that case, I may have to try the next closest Starbucks. But generally, I’ll find a table (hopefully in a corner) where I can lay out my stuff and get to work (after I get my iced coffee, of course). I put in my earbuds, turn on my music, and hope that not too many people want to interrupt me to ask how I do what I do. Most people are respectful and will just watch, or if they happen to catch my eye, give me a thumbs up.

picnic tables at one of the many Burbank, CA parks

The park can always be a refreshing change of scenery.

My #3 spot

The last resort option is a park. There are several small parks in my neighborhood. I can pack up my drawing on one of my big oversized clipboards, all of my pencils in my pencil case, my iced coffee or water in my to go cup, and find a spot under a tree. The only drawback with this option is that not all of the smaller parks have a restroom, or one that I’d want to go in anyway. So assuming there’s no restroom, and taking into consideration all of the water that I drink on a daily basis, I only have an hour or two tops. But sometimes, that could be all the change in scenery that I need.

change of scenery

You don’t need a huge bank account to change things up.

So if you need to mix things up a little, don’t stress! It doesn’t necessarily require a big, huge production. You don’t need to add on to your house and create an art studio. You don’t need to lease an art loft. Maybe all you need is to join a Meetup group like I mentioned in my last post. There are several ways you can create your own change of scenery for little to no cost (maybe just the price of a cup of coffee). It only takes a little thought and perhaps a little creativity on your part.

Do you have a favorite change of scenery location? Let us know in the comments below. And if you like what you’re reading, please subscribe and you’ll get a post just twice a week. I hate spam as much as you do (unless it’s the kind you eat) so I’ll never do that to you. Promise!


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