Afraid of Posting Your Art Online Just Get It Out There! If you’re afraid of posting your art online, you’re not alone. It can be an intimidating thought. Self-doubt wreaks havoc. Crippling fear and ego-crushing self-criticism can prevent you from ever showing your work. Perhaps you’ve heard that nagging little voice in your head before. […]
Tag Archives: social media
Artwork on Social Media
Putting Your Artwork on Social Media Putting your artwork on social media can be absolutely terrifying for some artists. Let’s face it, people suck. Not all. But the few whose goal is to just scroll through social media searching for places where they can leave their particular brand of hate and nastiness are sometimes enough […]
Dealing with Haters
Dealing with Haters How to Rise Above Now, more than ever before, dealing with haters is becoming the norm rather than the surprising, unexpected circumstance. Today’s world seems to have a surplus of trolls, haters, and harsh criticism. Everywhere you turn, someone is there to judge and criticize for no reason other than to just […]
Facebook Groups for Beginner Artists

Facebook Groups for Beginner Artists Find Your Tribe and Show Your Work! Facebook groups for beginner artists may sound scary. For tons of beginner artists, the scariest thing about art is actually showing their art. It’s not uncommon. If this describes you, just relax. You’re in good company. Every artist I know (myself included) has […]
Ya Gotta Have Thick Skin!

Ya Gotta Have Thick Skin! Critics Are Lurking Everywhere Developing thick skin is vital for artists if they ever plan on putting their work out the for display or hopefully, to sell. Why? Because sadly, there are folks out there who take delight in ripping your work to shreds with cruel comments. Their comments are […]
To Share Your Art Or Not

To Share Your Art Or Not Social Media and Artists To share your art or not, that is the question. Perhaps you have been mulling that question over in your creative mind. Do you dare? Maybe you’ve happily spent time on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook scrolling through other artists work. Some are absolutely breathtaking and […]
How I Got Past My Artistic Insecurities

How I Got Past My Artistic Insecurities For the Most Part Anyway… Artistic insecurities. Nearly every artist I know has them to some degree. I most certainly did and still do, a little. But despite what everyone told me, I was still very apprehensive about publicly showing my work. Let me try to explain. I’ve […]
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