Barn owls are the most widely distributed species of owl, and one of the most widespread of all birds in general. Colors will vary from…
Tag Archives: raptors
Another Owl

Here’s an owl for you tonight folks. Almost thought I wasn’t going to make it but somehow I managed. Hope you like it. Night everyone!

I’m not sure what species this is but I just really liked the banded pattern on the feathers. If anyone knows, which species…
Secretary Bird

The secretary bird is very large raptor endemic to Africa. It inhabits the grasslands and savannah of sub-Saharan…
Harpy Eagle

The crest on this raptor is absolutely spectacular…
Owl in Flight

I think I’m becoming rather fascinated with owls…

So, here’s another owl. Not sure what kind. He seemed on the small side…

Here’s another eagle for ya! Hope you all have a great weekend…
Horned Owl

Not quite sure why, but I’m starting to have a thing for birds. Drawing them, anyway. Maybe someday…

Well, why not give our national bird a try? I’m still trying to work on drawing birds…
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