Stick To Your Word

It never ceases to amaze me (and annoy the hell out of me) when someone says they’re going to do something (maybe even promises) and then doesn’t follow through. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves. Whatever happened to ‘your word means everything’? I know I’m not alone here. Perhaps you have that friend that always makes arrangements to do something and then just totally flakes without even having the courtesy to make a call and tell you that plans have changed. In the meantime, you’re there…just…waiting. You’ve put your day on hold for something that’s never going to happen.

It’s rude. It’s highly inconsiderate. And it’s a pretty good indication that the offender is just a selfish douche. There’s a simple answer. Well, simple for me anyway. I’ve learned to just not make plans with these people. And if I do, I always have a backup plan. I refuse to waste my entire day waiting around wondering if things are going to pan out. So I make my “plans” with Mr. or Ms. Flakey and then do my own thing anyway. If they show up, great. If not, it’s no big deal because I wasn’t really planning on it anyway. The entire day wasn’t lost, I got stuff done that needed to be done, and with minimal annoyance and irritation. Let’s face it, we could all use less stress in our lives.

Stick to your word, people! It’s the right thing to do.

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