Sea Turtle

There are 7 species of sea turtle and I’m not sure which this one is.  5 of the 7 are endangered or critically endangered. Of all the sea turtles, only the leatherback (which this one is not) doesn’t have a hard shell. However it is the largest of the species and can measure up to 7 feet long, 3-5 feet across and can weigh up to 1,300 lbs. All sea turtles can be found in all oceans over the continental shelves, except in polar regions. After taking to the water for the first time, males will not return to land again. The sea turtle does breathe air but can stay submerged for long periods due to an anaerobic system of energy metabolism. Sea turtle gender depends on sand temperature while the egg is incubating. It takes several decades for turtles to reach sexual maturity. This is a factor in their endangered status. In addition, a very small number of hatchlings make it safely back to the ocean from their hatching sites due to predators and humans who hunt for their nests.

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