Otter Sketch T-shirt

Some of you may recognize this otter sketch t-shirt. I’ve had many requests for my sketches from my 2014 daily sketchbook to be made available in various forms. These encompass things such as calendars, coffee mugs, t-shirts, small prints, mouse pads (I didn’t know anyone still used those!), etc. I even had one person request a deck of playing cards! And on a much smaller nick-knack scale, items like buttons and decals. This otter sketch t-shirt is the guinea pig, so to speak. With all of the wonderful ideas coming my way from family, friends, and fans, I don’t think I’ll run dry on ideas for quite awhile!

I had to go with the otter first because they seem to be a fan favorite. Everyone loves their cute, little faces and their adorable antics. And juveniles like this one? Even more so! Don’t believe me? Just take a trip to Monterey Bay Aquarium (or any aquarium for that matter) and go to the otter enclosure to see for yourself. Even when the resident otter group is not being fed, you will be hard pressed to find a spot up close to the window to see them in action. And heaven forbid if there is a new pup or two being given floating lessons by mama otter!

So here you go! The first of many to come. I have a year’s worth of sketches after all. I will play with as many of the ideas given to me as I can. Also, if you have other ideas, please feel free to comment. My t-shirts are printed by Tee-Public and will be shipped directly from their site. Out of the many online t-shirt printers, I found this to be one of the few that have good quality tees and tanks (there are also phone cases available!). In addition, their printing is the nice one…not that thick, rubbery stuff. I wouldn’t trust my little otter to anyone else! You can find my shop here.

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