
The Komondor is a Hungarian sheepdog, sometimes referred to as the mop dog, due to its white, long corded coat. It is considered a national treasure and is protected from genetic modification. It has a natural instinct to guard livestock or property. It is one of the largest of dog breeds, many reaching over 30″ tall. Its distinctive trait is its heavily corded coat. It is a robust animal with strong musculature. Puppies have soft fur. It’s not until the dog reaches maturity that the soft undercoat begins to naturally mesh with the coarser top coat forming dreadlocks. Some grooming is necessary to prevent the fur from becoming one big matted mess. It is thought that the thick locks protected the dogs from being bitten by wolves. It’s coat takes two and a half days to dry after a bath. The komondor, like most livestock dogs are even tempered unless defending its flock, which it will do fiercely and fearlessly.

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