Happy Face Spider

Here’s another Hawaiian species. I don’t believe it’s endangered. This is theridion grallator, also known by it’s common name, the happy face spider. It’s Hawaiian name is nananana makaki’i (nah-nah-nah-nah mah-kah-KEE-ee), which means face-patterned spider. There are a variety of patterns, many of which look uncannily like happy clown faces on a yellow body. The word ‘grallator’ is Latin for stilt walker. It’s about 5mm long. Each spider has a unique pattern which varies from island to island. Some have no markings at all. The variation of faces is possibly a camouflage against birds, their only enemy of significance. However, it is very small and hides during the day when birds are active, so the patterns may have no significant purpose at all.

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