At Odds With Myself

At Odds With Myself

When Creativity Takes Me Out of My Comfort Zone

Being at odds with myself is a strange and rather uncomfortable mix of emotions and even physical feelings. But I never feel it as acutely as when the creative itch pushes me to do things that I normally wouldn’t do.

at odds with myself

Sometimes me, myself, and I don’t always agree.

As you probably know by now, I’m constantly finding artists who inspire me, like in last week’s post about Anja Uhren (For more, check out the links below in Further Reading). Most of them do work completely unrelated to my own, but I find inspiration in all forms of creation. I enjoy seeing projects evolve from the concept stage to completion. Lately, I’ve come across artists who have made journaling sketchbooks. This is something that I’ve wanted to do for years. But every time I think about doing something like this, I can only imagine it taking me out of the confines of my home and small studio space/bedroom. The things that I’d like to sketch all take place elsewhere…museums, zoos, parks, downtown. Public.

Life Is Too Noisy

at odds with myself

Public places can be very uncomfortable and overwhelming.

Generally, I shy away from public places. In this regard, I am very much the artist who prefers quiet spaces. It’s not that I’m socially awkward or anti-social. I’m just uncomfortable with so much outside energy and influence. Outside life, loud noises, hustle and bustle, cars, people, talking, activity other than my own, and people who think too loudly (yes, that’s a real thing)… All of the above. It’s a surplus of energy that very easily rubs off on me and makes things rather claustrophobic for me, even if I’m in the middle of a wide open space. It can be very uncomfortable and rather draining.

Still, that pull towards creativity is not a voice that is easily silenced or subdued. It will sit there, deep in my sub-conscious mind, poking, nagging, and pestering, like that annoying kid in the back seat of the car… “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” At some point you must answer its call. To stifle that creative voice is to stifle one’s soul. It must be answered.

Maybe I can schedule a work day off when there’s less of a crowd and go find a quiet corner in a museum…

Further Reading:

Stefan G Bucher – Monster a Day

Artists That Inspire – Zuria Forman

Inspiring Doodlers – Stephanie Baxter

Another Inspiring Doodler – Pavena S

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