Handling Criticism Use It To Your Advantage Handling criticism. In all honesty, nobody likes it and some people love dishing it out. How do you handle criticism when it’s aimed at you or your artwork? First of all, understand the different types of criticism. Criticism is simply negative comments made in reference to […]
Tag Archives: how to deal with criticism
When People Criticize Your Work
When People Criticize Your Work It’s Not Always about You Let’s face it. When people criticize your work it can really suck. Whether you’re a beginner artist or a professional artist, you’re bound to come up against criticism eventually. If you have a formal art education, then you’ve gone through your fair share of class […]
Art is Subjective

Art is Subjective Keeping Criticism in Its Place As an artist, beginner or veteran, it’s important to remember that art is subjective. In today’s world, the internet and social media makes it incredibly easy for people all over the world to comment on your artwork. In general, most comment favorably and are encouraging. But we […]
Never Apologize for Your Art

Never Apologize For Your Art But Be Prepared… Never apologize for your art. That was on a button someone gave me once. I think on some level I always knew how profound that statement was, but never as clearly as I do now. For the purpose of this post, I’m approaching this from a subject […]
Constructive Criticism Gems vs BS
To round out my criticism posts, I’m including one from August 2018, Constructive Criticism vs BS. Do you know the difference? They’re both criticism. But one is a gem and the other just stinks of BS. The last two posts on criticism would not be complete with highlighting the difference between the two. One can […]
Criticism Revisited
Two weeks ago, we touched on the topic of having a Thick Skin. Let’s face it, with social media, criticism seems to abound. I’m willing to bet that the vast majority wouldn’t say a thing if you were face to face. They feel safe in the relative anonymity of a screen name. Still, their comments […]
Ya Gotta Have Thick Skin!

Ya Gotta Have Thick Skin! Critics Are Lurking Everywhere Developing thick skin is vital for artists if they ever plan on putting their work out the for display or hopefully, to sell. Why? Because sadly, there are folks out there who take delight in ripping your work to shreds with cruel comments. Their comments are […]

Criticism How to Handle It Criticism. Nobody likes it and some people love dishing it out. Some critics might say that they’re just being honest and trying to help. But there’s a vast difference between a critique and flat out criticism. What’s the difference and how do you handle it when someone criticizes your artwork? […]
How To Silence The Inner Art Critic

How to Silence the Inner Art Critic And How to Turn It to Your Advantage One of the toughest things to do is silence the inner art critic. Ultimately, that’s your ego talking. And ego is always anxious to point out our short-comings. The opposite side of the ego’s spectrum is the distorted view that […]
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