Return to Artwork This drawing marks my return to artwork after a year and a half long hiatus of sorts. After moving to Hawaii in November 2019 I didn’t get a whole lot of drawing in. Life was pretty tumultuous from that point on. Moving, settling in at home with my dad, settling in at […]
Tag Archives: artwork
When It’s Okay to Turn Work Away
It’s Okay to Turn Work Away Is there ever a time when it’s okay to turn work away? Or is it professional suicide? Am I crazy for even suggesting it? Actually, sometimes it’s the smart thing to do. It can also be one of the toughest things to do if you’re just starting out. However, […]
Free Artwork
Why Do People Expect Free Artwork? People who expect free artwork from you has to be one of the most annoying things that artists have to deal with. I’m sure you’ve experienced it. Someone finds out you’re an artist and they ask, “Oh! Can you draw (insert subject matter here)?” What gets me […]
Selling Your Artwork Online

Selling Your Art Online Just Get It Out There! Selling your art online can be an intimidating thought. Self-doubts pop up and ransack you with crippling fear and ego-crushing criticism. You’ve heard that nagging little voice before. “Who’s going to want my stuff? My stuff sucks. My stuff isn’t as good as other artists out […]
Knowing When Your Work Is Done

Knowing When Your Work Is Done How to Avoid Overworking Your Project Knowing when your work is done can be a tricky thing. Have you ever had the main course in the oven and somehow, while you were busy preparing your side dishes, your main course went from done to a charred mess in the […]
Commissioned Art

Commissioned Art Why Is It So Expensive? Commissioned art. Every artist has their own method and price varies based on size of the finished product, materials used, color vs black and white, etc. For each added extra, the price goes up. But why is it so costly? Is art really worth the price? Perhaps the […]
Artist’s Quandary

Artist’s Quandary When Extreme Gratitude and Frustration Meet Any professional artist is familiar with the artist’s quandary. But for those of you who are perhaps new to the game, let me explain what the artist’s quandary is. It’s really quite simple. The artist’s quandary is that we are always grateful for the work we get. […]
Change Can Be Good

Change Can Be Good Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone…Again It’s been said that change can be good. For any of you that have been following me for any length of time, you know that I have a 9-5 office job and I do my art on the side. You also know that I like […]
Christmas Commissions 2016

Christmas Commissions 2016 Portraits That Have Kept Me Busy This Season Time to unveil the Christmas commissions! Now that all the Christmas gifts have been opened, it’s safe for me to post the portraits of all the fur babies that have kept me busy for the past four or five months. Some of them have […]
Are You Selling Yourself Short

Are You Selling Yourself Short? The Temptation is Real You’re an artist and you want to sell some of your work. But how do you price your work? The temptation is to price low so that you get sales. A sale is better than no sale, right? True, but selling yourself short not only devalues […]
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