Stuck in a Creative Rut? – Update This does indeed happen to all of us at one time or another for seemingly no reason at all. It’s frustrating, depressing, infuriating…you name it. Sometimes however, it happens for a very good reason. I find myself in this situation at the moment. For the past few months […]
Tag Archives: artistic challenges
Comparing Yourself to Other Artists

Comparing Yourself to Other Artists One of the Best Ways to Sabotage Yourself Comparing yourself to other artists only serves to hold you back. You are literally beating yourself up for nothing. We are all unique, down to the cellular level. No two humans are 100% alike. Because of the millions of differences between us […]
Developing Artistic Style

Developing Artistic Style Stop Drawing Like Other People! One of the biggest concerns for budding artists is developing artistic style. One of the things that happens is that they start copying the styles of other artists that they admire. I did this for a while, too. I had never drawn comic book characters before and […]
Stuck in a Creative Rut

Stuck in a Creative Rut? Rise to the Occasion with 3 Simple Tips Getting stuck in a creative rut happens to the best of us. It seems like every muse that ever was has abruptly left the planet and left us alone to wither away in our uninspired, unmotivated, and uncreative lives. . What is […]
Dealing with Stress as an Artist

Dealing with Stress as an Artist 4 Points to Keep Art Fun Surprisingly, dealing with stress as an artist is not uncommon, even more so if you make a living as a professional artist. Those deadlines make the difference between paying the bills or not. Anyone on the outside though might wonder why you have […]
7 Tips to Avoid Creative Block

7 Tips to Avoid Creative Block It’s Totally Doable How does an artist avoid creative block? Is it even a thing? Now, I’ve heard arguments for both sides of creative block. Some say the block comes from being lazy and others say the opposite. It happens to the best of us, lazy or not. I […]
8 Tips to Being More Productive

8 Tips to Being More Productive Start Off the Year With a Bang! Resolutions have been made and now it’s time to get to work being more productive. Here are 8 tips to help you do just that… . Draw every day, even for just 15 minutes. This is a big one. Not only does […]
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