3 Tips on How to Beat Creative Block Creative block is similar to writer’s block, but it affects artists. And just like writer’s block, it can be super frustrating to the point where it just shuts down our work altogether. In a nutshell, Merriam-Webster defines writer’s block this way, “the problem of not being able […]
Tag Archives: artist block
7 Tips to Avoid Creative Block

7 Tips to Avoid Creative Block It’s Totally Doable How does an artist avoid creative block? Is it even a thing? Now, I’ve heard arguments for both sides of creative block. Some say the block comes from being lazy and others say the opposite. It happens to the best of us, lazy or not. I […]
Overcome Creative Block – 6 Tips To Beat It

How do artists and writers overcome creative block? Is it even real? Yes, absolutely! Without a doubt. I’m willing to bet that creative types the world over have experienced this ultimate form of frustration and aggravation. Artists, choreographers, musicians, sculptors, writers…heck, maybe even scrapbookers! There are days when my muse seems to be on an […]
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