Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Stop comparing yourself to others. It’s not only pointless and a huge waste of time, but it’s also one of the best forms of self-sabotage. It can stop you from any progress in trying to reach your goals. It can prevent you from becoming the best version of you possible.
Why do we do it?

Comparing yourself to others can lead to crippling self-doubt. (Photo Credit: Image ID: 43705151 Copyright: Ion Chiosea)
According to Psychology Today, up to 10% of our thoughts can be occupied by comparing ourselves to others as a way of measuring ourselves to the way others look, do, act, etc. We do it to take stock and to see how we’re measuring up to those around us on a social and personal level. For some, it can serve as a fantastic motivator. But for others, and perhaps more commonly, it discourages. It instills feelings of dissatisfaction, guilt, diminished self-worth, and depression.
For those of us with goals, this can be devastating. Feelings of discouragement and diminished self-worth can stop us in our tracks. Why bother when there are so many people out there better than we are?
This is why, if you’re one of the latter, it’s imperative to stop comparing yourself to others immediately. But how when it’s almost second nature?
Remember that there will always, somewhere on the planet, be someone who is better than you.
It’s unreasonable and actually ridiculous to think otherwise. Why would you let that prevent you from reaching your goals? First of all, it’s pretty egotistical to think you could be better than everyone in the world. Secondly, half the fun of being an artist is in the challenge of each piece. If you’re already the best at everything, then where’s the fun in it?
Remember that there is no such thing as perfect.
Perfect is an illusion. First of all, how good artwork is all in the eye of the beholder. For example, you might love abstracts while I don’t. Styles will vary. Mediums will differ as will subject matter. There are so many variables and so many personal tastes. Perfect is always tied up in personal preference and it is impossible to please everyone all of the time.
Artists filter the work that they post.
Even professional artists will pick and choose which pieces they post on social media. You and I both know it. We all do it. The best angle, the best lighting. Why would you expect other artists not to do the same?
Artists develop at different paces and we all have our strengths and weaknesses.
Nobody was born a professional at anything. We all had to start at the beginning. Depending on the time you have to devote to practicing your craft, the level of natural ability, as well as each person’s ability to pick up new skills, artistic development will occur at your own unique pace.
They’re commonsense points but they’re absolutely true. It makes no sense to continue doing something so self-limiting. We all know that there are others out there who would be quick to judge us. Why would you join them? Stop comparing yourself to others and allow your abilities to develop unhindered by an unfair and completely inaccurate measuring stick.
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