Rebirthing in Progress
Times of Change
Astrologically speaking, times of change are upon us and there is a rebirthing in progress. Change is rarely easy or welcome, but it is often necessary. I’ve started off 2018 with a bang. My housemates and I were informed late last year that we had to move. The owner of our townhouse was selling the property. He gave us sixty days, but fortunately one of my housemates found a great deal for a decent price, considering today’s market. A month later, we’ve moved in and now we’re surrounded by the incredible task of putting our home back together again. All of our lives were abruptly thrown into chaos. We’re now surrounded by a vast array of boxes and furniture that still needs assembling. That being said, this post will be short. I just wanted to make sure that I touched base with you and let you know what’s going on.

Change can be nerve-wracking, scary, stressful, and generally something we’d rather avoid.
It’s been an uncomfortable process of rushed packing, purging, and downsizing. We have pushed ourselves to our physical limits of stress, lack of sleep, and soreness. Social media posts have had to be relegated to the proverbial backburner. I couldn’t even find my laptop until yesterday. And my artwork is at a standstill until I can dig my drawing table out from under a mountain of boxes.
Despite the upheaval, I am excited for the new space we’re in. My roommates and I are a pretty cohesive unit. We work and live well with each other. Things are comfortable between us and I know that once the dust settles and everything is put away, the Zen atmosphere that was present in our old place will once again dominate in this new setting. Birthing is never neat and tidy. It’s uncomfortable and painful, and there isn’t a whole lot you can do to prevent it from happening. You just have to go with it and hopefully learn and grow from it, becoming stronger and wiser in the process. How much so, I guess, depends on the person. All I do know for a certainty is that I’ll be happy when I don’t have to unpack and then break down any more cardboard boxes.
And the process continues. Wish me luck!
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