No Motivation

No Motivation

Some Jobs Are Just Like That

What happens when you have no motivation to do the art job on your table? It’s a common problem. It really happens to the best of us. And yes, it totally sucks when it happens. But, some jobs are just like that. You’ll have the ones that you can’t wait to sink your teeth into and then you’ll have the ones that make you think a trip to the dentist is more fun. It happens.

lost motivation

What happens when you’ve lost your motivation to do a job? (Photo Credit: Image ID: 20311996 Copyright: kolinkotanya)

So what happens when you have no motivation for a job? If you’re creating art for a living and you’ve already accepted the job…your best bet is to pull up your big boy/girl undies and get it done. Just attack it. It’s a job that you’ve accepted for money or some sort of compensation. Get it done.

Your reputation is on the line.

If however, it’s a job that you are being offered but haven’t accepted yet…think carefully about it. Yes, I understand that there’s money involved. But if you’re going to hate doing it, then is it worth it? We are artists for a living because it’s something we’re passionate about. Would it not be defeating the purpose if we continue to accept jobs we hate doing? If you can push through and get it done, then fine, go ahead and accept it. More power to you! If you’re like me, and you know doing the job will be like pulling out your own teeth, then you better consider it carefully.

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We all have to make a living! (Photo Credit: Image ID: 43376117 Copyright: zimmytws)

As a beginner, things might be a little different. Most artists I know are not well off, at least not initially. Each job is important. We all have bills to pay, ends to meet, etc. We might feel pressured into not being so choosy about the jobs we take on. Still, you don’t have to say yes to each and every one. By staying true to your desires, you open up the opportunity for more of what you do want to do. Consider this…what if you took the undesirable job against your better judgement and as you were trudging through it, you got an offer for one that you’d kill to do? But you can’t now because you’re busy mucking through the one you had no motivation to do in the first place.

Tough choice, right?

And of course it’s never just cut and dry, black or white. Different circumstances and all. Some of us may have a little more luxury in picking and choosing jobs. For others, times may be really tough and we really do need every single job offered to us. If the latter is what you’re going through, I sympathize. But in every successful person’s history, no matter what field they’re in, there’s a period of time that everyone has to go through. It’s called paying your dues. For artists that may very well be the low motivation jobs that nobody wants to do.

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Low motivation jobs could be considered part of the rookie’s dues. (Photo Credit: Myra Naito)

If you have to accept that job, consider it paying your dues, training, practice, boot camp, etc. Remember, we all have to start somewhere. But however you manage it, keep in mind that it is still exercising your skills and abilities. You’re still growing from it as an artist (and a business person). Yes, there is a bright side!

So while you may not be jumping for joy and have no motivation for the job staring you in the face, remember that you do have options and that even if you do choose to do the job, you’re still growing in the right direction. And hopefully sooner rather than later, you’ll get to choose the jobs you really want.




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