In the Works…

In the Works…

Stuff is Brewing!

Hi guys! I have lots of projects in the works. I just wanted to touch base and let you know that I haven’t fallen off the planet. I know it’s been a couple of weeks since my last post. But it never fails…when it rains, it pours! This time, it’s pouring in a good way. I need the rain!

So here’s what’s going on…


First of all, I have commissions coming in like crazy, which I love! The first one was semi-secret. A friend hired me to draw a portrait of a big, fluffy Maine Coon who had recently passed. The cat was not hers, but belonged to someone she worked with in the past, Jackson Galaxy, the “cat listener” from the show, My Cat From Hell.

in the works

Velouria – Maine Coon

Just before I completed that project, I received a text for another cat portrait commission. The day after that, I received a phone call for another commission of a little Papillon who had to be put to rest. I’m working on these two simultaneously.

in the works


in the works


At about the point you see in the pics above, I received yet another text from a repeat customer. She wants me to do a larger piece with her three dogs, but was actually contacting me to pass on my name to a friend who wants a pet portrait for his wife. Those two projects will hopefully be in the works soon.


in the works

My Patreon site!

In addition to all of that, I’m working on a Patreon site, which will include a lot of goodies for those who decide to become one of my patrons. If you’ve never heard of Patreon, it provides the opportunity for artists to connect with those who would like to support their work. Think back to the days of the great masters. Da Vinci, Michelangelo, etc. They all had patrons who supported their work. In fact, we wouldn’t have Romeo and Juliet if Shakespeare didn’t have his own group of patrons! So Patreon allows me to do what I love to do and bring my patrons along for the ride. Patrons of the old masters didn’t really get a back stage pass! But I want you guys to see what goes on behind the scenes.

Here is some of what I’ll be offering: time lapse videos of my work, full-length videos with me explaining what I’m doing and how I’m doing it, tips and tricks, a day in the life style videos, raffle-style drawings for original sketches, prints, and other goodies, Q&A’s, and a bunch of other stuff. I’m still working out all the detail, but more than anything, I want it to be worth your while. I really want my patrons to have a blast and be as inspired as I am when I look at other artists at work. And if, through my work, I can really inspire you to try your own hand at being creative or to help you accomplish something creatively that you’ve been struggling with, then I’ll feel like I’ve accomplished something pretty fantastic.

One Step at a Time…

So that’s what’s going on with me at the moment. It’s a lot and yes, I feel really overwhelmed. But I’m taking it one day and one step at a time. Initially, it will be a lot of work. I mean…a LOT! But I know that once I get it down to a system, I’ll be back to cranking work out regularly, including this blog. So please be patient with me. Know that if I’m MIA for a bit that I haven’t fallen off the ends of the earth or been abducted by aliens. I’m just super busy trying to get these projects off the ground for all of you.

Here’s to bigger and better things!

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