Never Assume What Your Client Wants

Never Assume What Your Client Wants

Never Assume What Your Client Wants How I Almost Made a Big Mistake Recently, I was commissioned to do a portrait of a dog named Harry. It was a simple enough task, but one in which I almost made a critical error. I almost forgot my number one rule…never assume what your client wants. Chances […]

The Artist Who Never Spoke a Word

The Artist Who Never Spoke a Word

The Artist Who Never Spoke a Word A Beautiful Story of Self-Expression Judith Scott was the artist who never spoke a word. Not one word in her entire life. Her story popped up in a Huffington Post article on Sept. 06, 2016. Judith’s story is told by her sister, Joyce. Judith and Joyce Scott were […]

Wells Fargo Ad Discourages Teens from Careers in the Arts

Wells Fargo Ad Discourages Teens from Careers in the Arts

Wells Fargo Ad Discourages Teens from Careers in the Arts Thoughtless Oversight or Intentional? Last week a photo of a Wells Fargo ad popped up all over social media. In it is pictured two pamphlets for Teen Day, which takes place September 17, 2016. Each pamphlet shows a teen in what appears to be a […]

Interview with Glen Hanson

Interview with Glen Hanson

Interview with Glen Hanson Artist, Friend, Inspiration Not too long ago, I mentioned Glen Hanson, an artist friend of mine who I’ve come to admire very much because he’s not only a top notch artist, but also a pretty amazing guy. And one of the things he happens to do best, is work that I […]

Can You Tell Which Art is More Expensive

Can You Tell Which Art is More Expensive

Can You Tell Which Art is More Expensive? Cheap Art vs Expensive Art I will admit to being completely blown away by how art is priced and valued, and as such, I generally cannot tell which art is more expensive. As I was scrolling through YouTube the other day, I came across this BuzzFeed video […]

When Your Work is Criticized

When Your Work is Criticized

When Your Work is Criticized It’s Not Always About You How do you handle it when your work is criticized? Whether you are an artist working for a company or you’re an independent artist taking on commissioned work, you’re bound to come up against criticism eventually. If you have a formal art education, then you’ve […]