Using Contracts

Using Contracts

Using Contracts How They Can Help You Avoid Headaches As an artist, are you in the habit of using contracts for commissioned work? If not, you might consider using them regularly. It’s an extra step, but it can save you so much stress and frustration when you have the pleasure of dealing with difficult clients. […]

Quality Control Check

Quality Control Check

Quality Control Check Your Name Is On The Line! Have you ever received something you ordered and were left wondering if there was no quality control check on the company’s end? And I’m not referring to items damaged in shipping, but obvious defects in the product itself. It can be disappointing and sometimes maddening on […]

Ballpoint Pen Art

Ballpoint Pen Art

Ballpoint Pen Art Beautiful Works of Art in a Most Unforgiving Medium Ballpoint pen art always intimidated me. Back in 2014, when I took on the challenge to do a daily sketch, a friend cautioned me with regards to using pencil. This sketchbook was to be with me at all times, bounced around in my […]

Successful Artists

Successful Artists

Successful Artists What Sets Them Apart? What sets successful artists apart from the rest? Back in July 2015, I wrote a post entitled, Successful vs Unsuccessful People. In it, I discussed the difference between the two. The post was inspired by a gentleman at the gym who asked me if I was training for a […]

Artists That Inspire

Artists That Inspire

Artists That Inspire Zaria Forman I always feel a deep sense of privilege when I come across artists that inspire me. Zaria Forman is one of those artists. I came across a video of Zaria giving a TED Talk speech. She travels to some of the most remote regions on the planet in order to […]

How To Fast Track To Better Drawings

How To Fast Track To Better Drawings

How To Fast Track To Better Drawings The Simple But Hard Truth. Is there a fast track to better drawings? A little more than a year ago, I posted an article about the key ingredient to self-improvement when it comes to your drawing (or anything, for that matter). It’s probably the answer many of you […]