Successful vs Unsuccessful

There was a guy at the gym the other day who asked me if I was training for a show. I said that I wasn’t. What can I say? Stages and spotlights just aren’t for me. But, he was astounded that I train as hard as I do every single day. His question led me to thinking about all of the people that I know that have battled with weight loss and their numerous attempts to get fit. And there is a very clear distinction between those who succeed and those who fail. So, just what is the difference between successful vs unsuccessful people?

People who succeed are unwilling to make excuses. They are unwilling to accept defeat when an obstacle pops up in their paths. They challenge them head on and keep going until they conquer. Successful people admit that they don’t know everything and are willing to learn every single day. They are coachable when someone shows them a better way and they incorporate that change immediately. They hold themselves accountable. And when they do things, they do them with conviction. They go all in. There is no halfway. It’s all or nothing. And they never, ever give up.

On the other hand, people who are unsuccessful are all about making excuses. They cave in and give up the moment an obstacle pops up. There is no accountability with them. They’re certainly not coachable. And they do just about everything with half-assed efforts.

These unsuccessful types always baffle me. Some of them hire fitness trainers for help, thinking that it will make all the difference. I watch them to see if their behavior changes at all. Invariably, it doesn’t. They maintain the same habits and expect things to change. They don’t do what their trainers tell them to do and expect things to change. They put in minimal effort and expect things to change. When they start moaning and wailing and complaining that nothing’s changing, I ask them what they did to make things change. They point out that they hired a trainer. I ask them again what THEY did to make things change. When I get the blank stare of confusion, I explain that hiring a trainer is fine, but that person is only there to guide the way. The trainer instructs, the trainee does the work. Did they change their eating habits? Are they getting in at least 3-4 days a week at the gym? With what intensity are they doing their workouts? Basically, are they doing what they’re supposed to be doing? I mean seriously, why hire a trainer if you’re not going to do what they tell you to do? I’ll never understand that. If you’re not going to do as the trainer instructs, save your money for crying out loud!

Of course I’m talking about fitness, health, and weight loss here, but the same holds true in all aspects of life. And in some of these other aspects, I too, am guilty of dragging my feet. You want a better situation? Then you have to do whatever it takes to get it. You can’t expect that ideal job to just fall in your lap if you don’t get out there and hustle for it…applications, interviews, etc. You want to start up your own business? Then you’d better do the research, find funding (trust me, it’s out there for you), find locations, create your website, business cards, advertising, etc. You want a college degree? Then you need to find a school (physical campus or online) that has the program you’re looking for, apply, and go for it! Whatever it is that you want to improve is within your reach if you’re willing to do the work. But, one thing is certain…things are not going to change unless you do!

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results” –Albert Einstein

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