Art Keeps Me Sane

Art Keeps Me Sane

Cheapest Therapy Ever!

For me to say that art keeps me sane might be a bold statement to some. Maybe even an over-exaggeration. But any artist worth their salt will probably tell you the same.

Whether your art consists of pencils, paints, or clay, making music, writing, or acting, you know how easy it is to lose yourself in it. You’ve experienced the cathartic healing that takes place while you’re caught in the throes of your creativity. And you have also come to know how that somehow magically weaves its way back into the quality of your work. Those works of art seem to have more depth, more emotion, and more substance.

Art was my refuge whenever life got to be too much. (Photo Credit:

Does art keep me sane? You better believe it!

It shouldn’t be that surprising. Art therapy has been a recognized form of psychotherapy for many years. It’s invaluable for drawing out the unspeakable emotions trapped inside molestation victims or in combat veterans dealing with PTSD. It has tremendously helped those with developmental disabilities. It’s also why adult coloring books have become so popular as a means of de-stressing.

I did happen to spend many years of my early adulthood in therapy…the angst filled years of a young artist, I suppose. And yes, while many should absolutely be under the guidance of a professional therapist, I eventually found my way on my own through my art thanks to the inspiration of a regular therapist (not an art therapist) who handed me a pad of paper and asked me to draw what I felt. Throughout the years since that time, I’ve discovered that it’s sort of trance-like. It’s almost a meditative state of mind at times. I suppose my art is a quiet, calming type of therapy. Perhaps those Jackson Pollock type artists might find a physical therapeutic release in the active flinging of paint against a canvas.

I consider myself fortunate to have found several different ways of managing life, which include art, exercise, and meditation. Art has been with me the longest, an almost constant companion from the moment I could hold a pencil or crayon. I’m not sure what other people do to unwind. Go home, drink, and watch TV, I guess. But at the end of my day, after pouring myself into my latest commission, I feel better and I’ve been productive.

Cheapest therapy ever? Indeed.


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